Looking for your local MNO Community Council? Want to get in touch? Here you’ll find information about each Community Council, where they are located, and each Council’s By-Laws, Electoral Code, and Community Charter.

MNO Atikokan Métis Council

Marlene Davidson, President
100 Main Street West
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Office Phone: 807-355-3576
Email: medavidson33@gmail.com

Click here to view the MNO Atikokan Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the MNO Atikokan Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the MNO Atikokan Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Barrie South-Simcoe Métis Council

Roxanne Shank, President
Unit 1401 & 1402 – 64 Cedar Pointe Drive
Barrie, ON, L4N 5R7
Office Phone: 705-435-5055
Email: president.bssmc@outlook.com

Click here to view the MNO Barrie South-Simcoe Métis Council’s Community Charter
Click here to view the MNO Barrie South-Simcoe Métis Council’s Electoral Code
Click here to view the MNO Barrie South-Simcoe Métis Council’s By-Laws

MNO Chapleau Métis Council

David Hamilton, President
Box 1059, 61 Birch Street East
Chapleau, ON, P0M 1K0
Email: dhammychapleau@yahoo.ca

Click here to view the Chapleau Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Chapleau Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Chapleau Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Clear Waters Métis Council

Dana Robbins, President
Units M & J – 442 Grey Street
Brantford, ON, N3S 7S3
Email: dundasrobbins@gmail.com  
Facebook Page: MNO Clear Waters Métis Council

Click here to view the Clear Waters Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Clear Waters Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Clear Waters Métis Council’s Bylaws.

MNO Credit River Métis Council

Debra Keaney, President 
Unit 305, Plaza 2
350 Rutherford Road South
Brampton, ON, L6W 4N6
Email:  crmc@metisnation.org
Website: MNO Credit River Métis Council

Click here to view the Credit River Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Credit River Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Credit River Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council

Ron Lepage, President
Unit 10 – 845 King Street
Midland, ON, L4R 0B7
Email: gbmc.ronald.lepage@gmail.com

Click here to view the Georgian Bay Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Georgian Bay Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Georgian Bay Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Grand River Métis Council

Danika Warman, President
Suite 201 – 493 Lancaster Street
Kitchener, ON, N2K 1L8
Email: danikawarman.grmc@gmail.com
Website: MNO Grand River Métis Council

Click here for the Grand River Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here for the Grand River Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here for the Grand River Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Great Lakes Métis Council

Christopher Coture,  President
1198 2nd Avenue East
Owen Sound, ON, N4K 2H9
Office Phone: 226-256-8169
Email: liveandlearn0035@gmail.com
Office Email: GLMC@metisnation.org 

Website: MNO Great Lakes Métis Council

Click here to view the Great Lakes Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Great Lakes Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Great Lakes Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Greenstone Métis Council

Sandra Gillis, President
Geraldton, ON
Office Phone: 807-853-0487
Email: sgillis2163@gmail.com 

Click here to view the Greenstone Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Greenstone Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Greenstone Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Highland Waters Métis Council

Eliot Frymire, President
Unit 4A – 113 Richmond Boulevard
Napanee, ON, K7R 3Z8
Email: hlwmc.president@gmail.com

Click here for the Highland Waters Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here for the Highland Waters Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here for the Highland Waters Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Historical Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council

Stephen Gjos, President
136 John St
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 1P1
Email: whitewolfclan61@gmail.com

Click here for Historical Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here for Historical Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here for Historical Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Kenora Métis Council

Liz Boucha, President
Unit 4 – 621 Lakeview Drive
Kenora, ON, P9N 3P6
Office Phone: 807-468-5835
Email: liz.boucha.kmc@gmail.com

Click here to view the Kenora Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Kenora Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Kenora Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Mattawa Métis Council

Nelson Montreuil, President
Unit 1 – 380 Main Street
Mattawa, ON, P0H 1V0
Office Phone: 1-705-4767057  Ext. 249
Email: MMCPresident@metisnation.org

Click here to view the Mattawa Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Mattawa Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Mattawa Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Moon River Métis Council

385A Bethune Drive North
Gravenhurst, ON, P1P 1B8

Click here to view the Moon River Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Moon River Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Moon River Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Niagara Region Métis Council

Derrick Pont, President
Unit 1A – 3250 Schmon Parkway
Thorold, ON, L2V 4Y6
Email: pontdj@hotmail.com
Website: MNO Niagara Region Métis Council

Click here to view the Niagara Region Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Niagara Region Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Niagara Region Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO North Bay Métis Council

Stephanie Bergman, President
156 McIntyre Street West
North Bay, ON, P1B 1G5
Email: stephaniehbergman@gmail.com

Click here to view the North Bay Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the North Bay Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the North Bay Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO North Channel Métis Council

Roland Blanchette, President
Email: rolyblanchette@gmail.com

Click here to view the North Channel Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the North Channel Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the North Channel Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Northern Lights Métis Council

Urgel Courville, President
261 Third Avenue, Unit 1
Cochrane, ON, P0L 1C0
Office Phone: 705-272-2277
Email: urgelc@outlook.com

Click here for Northern Lights Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here for Northern Lights Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here for Northern Lights Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Northwest Métis Council

Deanna Parker, President 
34B King Street
Dryden, ON, P8N 1B3
Office Phone: 807-223-4535 Ext. 307
Email: deanna.m.parker@gmail.com

Click here for Northwest Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here for Northwest Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here for Northwest Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Oshawa and Durham Region Métis Council

Helen Giacchetta, President
Suite 101 – 74 Simcoe Street South
Oshawa, ON, L1H 4G6
Email: oshawadurhammetiscouncil@gmail.com
Facebook Page: Oshawa Durham Region Métis Council
Website: Oshawa and Durham Métis Council

Click here for Oshawa & Durham Region Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here for Oshawa & Durham Region Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here for Oshawa & Durham Region Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Ottawa Métis Council

Jacques Dalton, Interim President
214 Montreal Road
Ottawa, ON, K1L 8L8
Office Phone: 613-748-1880 Ext. 306 (accessible to clients via appointment)
Email: jacquesdalton@hotmail.com
Website: Ottawa Region Métis Council

Click here to view the Ottawa Regional Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Ottawa Regional Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Ottawa Regional Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Peterborough and District Wapiti Métis Council

Suite 102 – 1054 Monaghan Road
Peterborough, ON, K9J 5L3

Click here for the MNO Peterborough and District Wapiti Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the MNO Peterborough and District Wapiti Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the MNO Peterborough and District Wapiti Council’s By-laws.

MNO Sudbury Métis Council

Tracy Roy, President
875 Notre Dame Avenue
Sudbury, ON, P3A 2T2
Email: henleytracy@yahoo.ca

Click here to view the MNO Sudbury Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the MNO Sudbury Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the MNO Sudbury Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Sunset Country Métis Council

Brady Hupet, President
318 Minnie Avenue
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 2P5
Email: bhupet99@gmail.com
Website: MNO Sunset Country Métis Council 

Click here to view the Sunset Country Métis Council’s Community Charter
Click here to view the Sunset Country Métis Council’s Electoral Code
Click here to view the Sunset Country Métis Council’s By-Laws

MNO Superior North Shore Métis Council

Trent Desaulniers, President
26 Princess Avenue
Terrace Bay, ON, P0T 2W0
Email: cocopah215@gmail.com

Click here to view the Superior North Shore Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Superior North Shore Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Superior North Shore Métis Council’s  By-Laws.

MNO Temiskaming Métis Community Council

Lorette McKnight, President
439 Ferguson Avenue
Haileybury, ON, P0J 1K0
Email: tmcc.metiscouncil@gmail.com
Website: Temiskaming Métis Community Council

Click here to view the Temiskaming Métis Community Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Temiskaming Métis Community Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Temiskaming Métis Community Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Thames Bluewater Métis Council

Cheryl Hooker, President
Unit 19 – 1100 Dearness Drive
London, ON, N6E 1N9
Email: TBWMCPresident@metisnation.org
Website: Thames Bluewater Métis Council

Click here to view the Thames Blue Water Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Thames Blue Water Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Thames Blue Water Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Thunder Bay and District Métis Council

Wendy Houston, President
226 May Street South
Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 1B4
Email: tbaymetiscouncil@gmail.com
Website: https://www.mnotbay.com

Click here to view the Thunder Bay Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Thunder Bay Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Thunder Bay Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Timmins Métis Council

Pierre Lefebvre, President
347 Spruce Street South
Timmins, ON, P4N 2N2
Email: petele5@hotmail.com

Click here to view the Métis Nation of Timmins’ Community Charter.
Click here to view the Métis Nation of Timmins’ Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Métis Nation of Timmins’ By-Laws.

MNO Toronto & York Region Métis Council

Shirley Debassige, President
MNO Toronto Office
Unit 311 – 75 Sherbourne Street
Toronto, ON, M5A 2P9
Email: squirl_24@hotmail.com
Website: Toronto & York Region Métis Council

Click here to view the Toronto & York Métis Council’s Community Charter.
Click here to view the Toronto & York Métis Council’s Electoral Code.
Click here to view the Toronto & York Métis Council’s By-Laws.

MNO Advisory Councils: