Submitted by: MNO staff

Strengthening your Inner Sash
MNO staff and participants show off the bookmarks they
made during the workshop. Click here to view a larger

On May 11, 2016, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) staff in Ottawa provided a self-esteem workshop for Métis women at a women’s drop-in centre in downtown Ottawa. The workshop was called, Strengthening Your Inner Sash.

Using best practices, traditional knowledge and hands-on activities, the 10 participants gained tools to improve their self-esteem. All participants made Honouring Métis Women bookmarks. On the back of these bookmarks, the women wrote positive affirmations about themselves for the purpose of always being able to remind themselves of their own value and worth.

A light snack of zucchini brownies was provided and one of the participants won a prize, which included the recipe and ingredients to make zucchini brownies at home. All of the participants took home their workbooks to continue their education at their own leisure.

Published on: May 27, 2016