President's Message - Margaret Froh

December 6th is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, marking 35 years since 14 young women were murdered at Polytechnique Montréal—because they were women. This event brought the lived reality of misogyny and violence against women into Canada’s public discourse. Sadly, violence against Métis and other Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, and LGBTQ+ people continues to plague our communities. On this day, we invite you all to remember those who have been lost to violence and to (re)commit yourselves to action to end such violence.

As we head into the holiday season this month, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible success of Métis Week and Louis Riel Day. Across the province, we gathered to honour our history, celebrate our culture, and reaffirm our shared commitment to the values that unite us as Métis people. These events, from heartfelt ceremonies to engaging community gatherings, are one of the highlights of my year and truly showcased the strength of our Nation. Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and contributed to their success!

Recently, another ‘first’ occurred in advancing Métis self-government in Canada. As you know, Métis governments in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta have been on the same path to advance self-government since 2019, when the MNO made history alongside Métis governments in Saskatchewan and Alberta by signing the first-ever Métis self-government agreements. This past week, Métis in Manitoba made history by signing the first Métis modern-day treaty. While federal legislation will need to be passed to implement it, this modern-day treaty is a step forward for the Métis people in Manitoba, recognizing their inherent rights and the sacrifices of generations past. We extend congratulations to Métis in Manitoba. The door for Métis modern-day self-government treaties is now open, which should help to further good-faith negotiations that benefit Métis communities across the Homeland.

For our part, MNO’s legally binding self-government agreement remains in place, and we will continue our work with the Government of Canada to advance our own modern-day treaty and the enabling legislation that will follow.

This past week also brought news of the Métis Nation British Columbia’s decision to withdraw from the Métis National Council. For more than 40 years, the MNC has been a cornerstone of Métis advocacy, ensuring our voice is heard on the national and international stages—a venue for Métis governments to further safeguard our collective rights. With MNBC’s departure, the MNC will continue as a national voice for recognized Métis governments. The Métis Nation of Ontario remains steadfast in our commitment to unity and collaboration within the Métis Nation and to the advancement of Métis rights and aspirations—we will continue to work with recognized Métis governments for the betterment of all Métis people.

Another very recent accomplishment was the announcement yesterday of an exciting partnership with York University to support Métis scholars in reaching their academic goals. Together, we have created the first-ever Doctoral Fellowship in Métis Studies, which will help to advance Métis research, exploring new areas and enriching knowledge of Métis history, culture, and ways of life—a major step in the work of Telling Our Stories.

Our critical work of Telling Our Stories continues to drive the MNO. Ontario Métis Facts continues to post short, digestible stories of Métis communities in Ontario. This past month, we officially launched written community briefs to further share those beautiful and rich stories, you can find them here

We have launched a contest for all MNO Citizens to like and share Métis stories with their networks for ballots in a draw to win a trip for you and your family to next year’s AGA in Sault Ste. Marie. So, please do continue to check in and visit the Ontario Métis Facts website and social media channels to like and share, and get your name entered in that draw!

As the Winter Solstice approaches, and the snow flies in earnest across our communities, and as we prepare to celebrate the holiday season with our friends and families, I encourage you to take time to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year and the strength of the MNO, our Métis communities, and our citizens. I wish you and your families a season filled with warmth, peace, and connection.

Margaret Froh
Métis Nation of Ontario