Program Description

The Emergency Repair Program (ERP) provides eligible Metis citizens who own their home as their primary full-time and sole residence a one-time forgivable loan to complete emergency repairs that would compromise the homes integrity and/or improve accessibility for persons with disabilities up to maximum of $15,000.00. Additional funding may be available for high cost emergency replacement of septic systems, well water/drilling, and foundations/structural only, up to a maximum of $25,000.00.

To earn forgiveness, applicants must maintain ownership as their primary fulltime and sole residence for a 5-year term. Each year applicant(s) must submit their yearly home insurance policy to the program to confirm residency.

Eligibility Criteria

• Registered and confirmed Métis Citizen of Ontario with a complete file
• 18 years+ of age or older
• Must own and occupy the home as your full-time permanent and sole residence
• Have Property Insurance
• Property taxes are up-to-date
• Must have eligible emergency repairs
• Total GROSS household income from all occupants over the age of 18 years old must fall below the Income Threshold by region 
• Household value must be below average market value
• Must reside in Ontario and off reserve
• Must have the ability to provide repair pictures and submit supporting documents to the program
• Must have eligible Emergency Repairs as confirmed by an MNO Housing Inspection
• Must not own secondary properties, cabins, vacation properties, land assets, rental properties etc.
• All Title Owners must sign, agree, and adhere to the program’s term and conditions (legal documents require signatures). Secured by a Promissory Note and Letter of Agreement.
• Must sign a consent and declaration form to access MNO registry checks and IPS inspections
• Must NOT have previously received funding through the MNO Home Improvement Program or the MNO Emergency Repair Program, and are continuing to earn loan forgiveness

Eligible Repairs

Eligible repairs are those that compromise the integrity of the home and/ or accessibility modifications. All repairs are subject to the MNO Inspectors recommendation and by completing a desktop inspection. It is important all information is submitted in the original application to minimize any delays. 

These may include but are not limited to:
• Insulation
• Roofs that show signs of leaking
• Heating Systems
• Well and safe water supply
• Septic systems
• Plumbing
• Electrical systems
• Foundations and structural
• Accessibility modifications*
• Mold remediation
• Other repairs maybe considered by the housing programs coordinator upon review of supporting documentation and MNO inspector’s recommendation.

*Grants may be available for accessibility modification for persons with physical disabilities. Please contact the program for more details.

Eligible Dwelling Types

• Single detached homes
• Semi-detached homes
• Townhouses/row houses
• Condo (permission from condo board may be required)
• Mobile Homes (for those on leased land, permission required from the landowner is required and land lease must extend beyond the forgiveness period)

Application Documents

Documents to include in ERP Application. Please collect and upload each document to your online application:

  1. Income Documents: Each household member 18yrs+ is required to submit 2023 Notice of assessment or current income documents
  2. Copy of Citizenship Card: Citizen checks are completed to confirm completed files as per MNO Policy #2021-001: Eligibility for Direct Benefit Programs and Services
  3. Copy of Photo ID: Each household member PLUS all title owners will be required to include their drivers license.
  4. Current MPAC Assessment: Most recent MPAC Statement
  5. Current Tax Bill: Most recent Tax Bill
  6. Current Property Insurance
  7. Pictures of each repair: Pictures for each repair item including multiple photo’s (Windows), front and back of house etc.
  8. Other documents: Doctors Notes or Occupational Therapist (OT) Report for accessibility repairs, Child support payments (income source or payment)

• Repairs or upgrades for aesthetic purposes only will not be eligible under the program including but not limited to garages, driveways, fences, landscape, paint, cleaning services, AC units (unless medical professional has recommended as necessary due to medical condition -doctors’ assessment will be required) and any repairs not determined eligible by the program administrators.
• Due to funding limitations, applying to the program does not guarantee funding.
• If the cost to complete the repair is over the approved amount,  that applicant will be required to pay the difference from their own resources.
• After the home inspection; Homeowners are required to source their own contractors and provide 3 estimates for each work item as identified by the Inspectors Work Description. All unauthorized work will be declined and your application will be sent back to you.
• Any work started prior to approval is not eligible
• New homes under 8 years of age and new builds will not be eligible.
• ALL title owners and MNO will enter into a legal binding agreement for a 5 year term. Applicants will be unable to reapply to the MNO repair programs until their earning term has ended.
• Submit your application on time with the correct supporting documents to minimize delays with processing your request. Contact the program coordinator if you require assistance.
• MNO registry checks are completed on your behalf. Citizens who have complete files will be considered eligible under the program requirements. Check with MNO registry if you are unsure on your citizenship status.

APPLICATION TIPS: For tips on how to become a successful applicant, please visit our tip sheet here

FAQ’S: For a list of Frequently Asked Questions please click here

Additionally, make sure to read Ontario’s Know Your Rights Document, to navigate home repairs.

CONTACT: For more information about the MNO’s Housing and Infrastructure programming and services please contact 705-722-5022 x302 or email