Please be advised, the MNO is the sole distributor if this program. Only apply through this webpage or contact the MNO Navigators at: 1-800-263-4889 Ext. 7 or email at:
The Metis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Solar Panel Program can provide eligible MNO citizens with a one-time forgivable loan of up to $25,000 towards the installation of a 5kw rooftop solar system on their home. To earn full forgiveness of the loan, the citizen must maintain ownership of the home as their primary residence for a full 2-year term.
Applicants are encouraged to conduct their own research on solar panels to determine if their household would benefit from this program prior to applying. Solar panels need adequate sunlight to be effective and may require ongoing maintenance throughout their lifespan. The MNO does not provide assistance with ongoing maintenance needs to successful applicants.
Eligibility criteria:
The applicant must:
- Be a registered Métis Citizen of Ontario, 18 years or older.
- Own and occupy their home as their primary residence.
- MNO Citizen must be title owner
- Have valid property insurance and up-to-date property taxes.
- Must reside in Ontario and off reserve
Property specifications:
- Roof must receive direct sunlight
- Roof is structurally sound and at least 280 square feet
- Electrical panel must meet minimum requirements as determined by the installer
- Panel size of at least 100 amps with 125 amp busbar
- Room for a double pole breaker
- Must be connected to the grid
- Other specifications may be required by the solar panel installer and your local authorities
Eligible expenses:
- 5kw rooftop solar system
- Panels
- Inverter(s)
- Racking
- Breakers
- Disconnection box
- All required wiring
- Installation costs
- Approvals
- Utility connection
- Building permit
- Electrical Safety Authority
- Additional costs may be considered
Ineligible expenses:
- Batteries
- On-going maintenance
- Upgrades to existing solar systems
- Repairs or upgrades to the property needed for installation approval
- Removal
- Copy of Citizenship Card: Citizen checks are completed to confirm completed files as per MNO Policy #2021-001: Eligibility for Direct Benefit Programs and Services
- Copy of Photo ID: Each household member PLUS all title owners will be required to include their drivers license.
- Most recent Property Tax Bill
- Current Property Insurance
- Pictures: Front of house, back of house, roof, and electrical panel
- Most recent electricity bill
- Additional documents may be requested
Applicants are encouraged to conduct their own research on solar panel systems before applying. Here are some resources:
- The Métis Nation of Ontario does not hold responsibility or liability for maintenance, faulty systems, or other concerns related to the installation of the solar system, including but not limited to contactors, workmanship, disputes, etc.
- The installation of solar panels may result in savings to the usage on your electricity bill, but will not eliminate other account and delivery fees.
- If the eligibility criteria are not met, the program will not fund any upgrades needed for your home to become eligible.
- The program does not fund the upgrade of existing solar panel systems. Including but not limited to solar panels, batteries, maintenance, removal etc.
- Applying to the program does not guarantee funding approval.
- Applications are assessed on a first come first serve basis
- Any work started prior to receiving written approval will not be eligible.
- If determined eligible by the program coordinator, applicants will be instructed in writing to source and provide three estimates from certified solar panel installers.
- Applicants are required to enter into a legal agreement with the MNO for a 2-year term to receive funds.
- It is recommended that applicants do not require roof repairs or replacement within the next 10 years, as additional costs may be associated with the removal and reinstallation of solar panels.
The Funding Agreement includes, but not limited to, the following terms & conditions:
- The MNO shall forgive 100% of the loan on the second anniversary of the Final Advance Date, provided that a default event has not occurred.
- It shall be a default and the unforgiven balance must be repaid to the MNO in the event that:
- The Owner/Borrower fails to comply with any term or condition of the Solar Panel Program Funding Agreement or Promissory Note
- The Owner/Borrower dies
- The Owner/Borrower sells, rents, or transfers the property without the written consent of the MNO
- The property ceases to be the primary residence of the Owner/Borrower
- Each year within 30 days of the funding anniversary, the Owner/Borrower shall provide a certificate of property insurance and electricity bill to the MNO to confirm their continued residency at the property.
- The Owner/Borrower is responsible for ensuring that the Project is satisfactorily completed in accordance with the building and zoning requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. MNO has no responsibility for ensuring that any of the Project work complies with any applicable building code or other regulatory requirement, and is not responsible for ensuring the quality of any work undertaken by the Approved Contractor(s) or the adequacy of any materials used in the Project work.
- Before any funding is advanced, satisfactory evidence of any payments made by the Owner/Borrower for their portion of the project costs must be provided to the MNO. The Owner/Borrower is required to collect and keep invoices for all payments made to the Approved Contractor.
- If any false or misleading statement is made by or on behalf of the Owner/Borrower in connection with the application for and/or the advancing of the Funding, the MNO shall decline the application and/or demand repayment of the Funding.
- The Owner/Borrower agrees to pay MNO its fees for administering the Funding including the cost of obtaining inspections to verify that the criteria for advancing Funding have been satisfied. To the extent any fees are due, the amount of such fees will be deducted from any Funding advance made to the Owner/Borrower.
Applications are now open
Solar Panel FAQs
A forgivable loan is a loan that does not require repayment if the program’s terms and conditions are met.
To earn forgiveness of the Solar Panel
Program loan, the owner/borrower must maintain ownership of the property as their full-time primary residence for a full 2-year term.
Additional terms and conditions are outlined in the Funding Agreement and Promissory Note.
It can range from 10-20 panels depending on the installer’s specifications and the size of your roof.
Unfortunately, the program will only fund the installation of a new solar system.
This will depend on the amount of direct sunlight your home gets throughout the day. Savings will only apply to the electricity charges of your monthly bill, not the delivery or account fees. You may notice less savings throughout the winter months when daylight hours are shorter.
Refer to the main breaker of your electrical panel.
Typically, if you have room for two single pole breakers side by side there is likely room for a double pole breaker.
While ultimately the solar installer will have a qualified person make this decision, a lay person can guess based on the absence of missing shingles, lack of sagging across any portion of the roof, and the ability of the roof to carry a snow load.
You may apply to the program. However, it is suggested that your roof not require repairs within the next 10 years, as there are additional costs associated with removal and reinstallation of solar panels.
You may contact the program coordinator by:
- email:
- phone: 705-722-5022 ext. 302
Citizens interested in the Solar Panel Program are encouraged to conduct their own research on rooftop solar panel systems.
NOTE: Neither MNO nor its Solar Panel Program is partnered with any specific solar panel retailers or installers. Solar panel retailers or installers claiming to be partnered with MNO, or using MNO’s name or logos in their advertising, are doing so without permission. MNO does not endorse any specific solar panel retailer or installer.